Living the Language is constantly evaluating our practices to evolve with the most up to date information regarding COVID19, and in accordance with updated standards of DCFS. We are dedicated to keeping our families and staff as safe and healthy as possible while continuing to provide our services.
During this phase we will be open from 7:30am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
Each day, after all children have been picked up, we thoroughly clean, sanitize and disinfect all toys, classrooms, and common areas. We will also use that time to reconvene and take stock of the day, respecting distancing rules, so we improve and adjust our safety rules where needed.
Vehicles: Parents are asked to clean and disinfect their cars and car seats after each outdoor trip as kids will touch any and everything they can.
Requesting travel information from parents on a weekly basis:
The Travel Advisory lists areas of the world that are heavily affected (Level 3), which will require those who have traveled to these locations and members of their household to refrain from entering school for 14 days upon return. This applies to our children, families, and staff members. The list is being regularly updated. Please check the CDC website.
Arrival will be staggered to ensure thorough screening of each child
Drop off parent/guardian should have on a face mask and/or face shield
Drop off parent/guardian will be asked a series of questions pertaining to travel, temperature, fever, Covid-19 exposure, etc.
Temperature screening: At drop off, the temperature of each child will be checked before entering the daycare. Children with fever (100.4 degrees F or above) or ill will not be permitted to enter Living the Language until they have been symptom free for 7 consecutive days.
Children with a temperature above 99 degrees (but below 100.4), will be monitored throughout the day, and parents notified of any changes.
If a family member is exhibiting symptoms and/or fever, then ALL family members must stay home.
The temperature of the child(ren) will be taken at drop off, as well as periodically during the day. If your child has a reading of 100.4 or higher, your child will not be permitted to enter Living the Language until he/she is symptom free for 7 consecutive days.
Staff temperatures will be recorded at check in daily: symptomatic staff members will not return until they are symptom free without medication for 7 days.
Staff, Parents, and children are to use hand sanitizer upon entry.
Contactless check-in option on Brightwheel® will be used. In a case where Brightwheel cannot be used staff will sign children in and out.
Children will be advised and reminded to not touch their faces
Per the amended standards of DCFS, children may wear face shields or masks whenever tolerable, except during eating or napping
Outdoor exploration of community playground will be suspended
Walks outside of Living the Language premises will be restricted
Sweaters will remain at Living the Language
Water bottles will be washed every day and remain at Living the Language
Soft toys will be removed from the classrooms. Only hard toys/surfaces will remain
There will be no soft toys allowed from home
All shared items (sensory bins, play dough, etc.) will be removed from the classrooms
Activities will be split into smaller groups whenever possible to keep children physically separated and distanced
Space will be increased between kids during table activities/meal times
The frequency of hand-washing and hand-sanitizing will be reinforced upon arrival and throughout the day for all children and staff.
The use of masks and gloves by teachers will be reinforced upon arrival and throughout the day.
Per the amended standards of DCFS, children may wear face shields or masks whenever tolerable, except during eating or napping
Tours, and catering will be cancelled to reduce the number of people within the center
Communication: Signs will be posted, messages and updates will be sent through Brightwheel® and/or email
Staff members assigned to hourly disinfection of high-touch areas within center including but not limited to:
Door handles
Cabinet handles
Handle bar on ramps
Light switches
Bathroom sinks and faucets
Toilet seats and handles
Baby gates
Strollers will be disinfected daily
Additional deep cleaning in kitchen
Important delivery packages to be disinfected before entering center
Regular disinfecting of toys
Social Distancing
Reduce group sizes: max of 10 in each room
Pick up will be monitored/staggered for safety, starting at 4:30pm